The Story Behind the Coptic Cross Tattoo

  Drawn with grace and simplicity, the Coptic cross tattoo tells stories of faith, resistance, and tradition, worldwide, but particularly in Egypt. Modern-day tattoos are celebrated and adorned, but for the once embatalled Coptic Christian community in Egypt, tattoos were a defiant mark of their faith. The process of tattooing among Egyptians is an ancient tradition that dates back to the Coptic period of Egypt. The Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt is one of the oldest Christian churches in the world. When Egypt was conquered by Muslims around 640 AD and placed under Islamic control, the practice of tattooing increased dramatically, according to the Coptic Church of Archangel Michael and St. Tekla. The people were forced to convert to Islam, and those who did not were marked with a cross on their wrist – and forced to pay a religious tax. “Getting the cross tattooed on our wrists was a sign of symbolism and endurance. The cross signifies our history in Egypt and reminds us of our past and present,” says Mona Ibrahim, a Coptic christian living in Egypt. The practice is thus deeply embedded in a historical, cultural, and … Continue reading The Story Behind the Coptic Cross Tattoo