Egypt’s Public Prosecution Gives Temporary Custody to Baby Shenouda’s Adoptive Family

Egypt’s public prosecution ordered the return of five-year-old Shenouda back to his Christian adoptive parents with temporary custody on Tuesday, 29 March, after a fatwa (religious edict) by the country’s Grand Mufti, the government’s first and primary source of religious authority. Shenouda is set to return to his adoptive mother, Amal Ibrahim, who was instructed by the prosecution to complete all legal fostering procedures in order to finalize her complete custody. Shenouda was previously placed in an orphanage, renamed Youssef, and assigned the Islamic faith after the court declined to rule custody to his family. Al-Azhar International Fatwa Center, the online platform for Al-Azhar religious edicts, recently stated that in the case a child is found by non-Muslims, then he should follow the religion of those who found him; thereby indicating that Shenouda remains Chrsitian, as per the religion of those who found him. Children with no known lineage within the country, as per the Civil Status Department at the Ministry of Interior, are assigned the Islamic faith by default. The Public Prosecution’s order comes following the decision of an Egyptian administrative court to abstain from ruling on whether the … Continue reading Egypt’s Public Prosecution Gives Temporary Custody to Baby Shenouda’s Adoptive Family