Free Street Cinema Screenings Bring Movies to Cairo’s Less Privileged

Cinema, unlike many forms of art and literature, can be very easy to grasp. It opens up the mind and the heart to places and notions that one may never have tapped into. But unfortunately, this basic form of art is usually communicated only to the well-off and privileged. With a growing belief in the power of alternative arts, many cultural venues now allocate more time for the screening of non-commercial movies, and one initiative decided it was high time Cairo’s impoverished neighborhoods had a taste of the thought liberating art. “Our Street Cinema” is an initiative brought to as-Salam city, Gharbeyah, by a group of young men and women who organize free movie screenings every Friday. “Salam City is out of the scope of the government’s attention, but its people have the right to have access to art. Our solution is to organize free film screenings for them in the streets of their neighborhood,” said Hussein, one of the initiative coordinators. “In this area, there is no proper space to show movies. They established a cinema years ago, but it was closed for lack of planning. There are cinema … Continue reading Free Street Cinema Screenings Bring Movies to Cairo’s Less Privileged