With everyone spending a lot more time at home than usual, people are suddenly starting to do and try things they have been putting off as a result of the fast and busy schedule of everyday life. For many, one of these things is working out.
Now is the perfect time to finally try to get into some sort of a workout routine, albeit from the confines of home. As a result of everyone having to self-isolate and quarantine, there has been a surge in the availability of various workshops and classes that can be found online.
That being said, below are a few various local fitness entities and programs that have adapted to the current situation and made their workouts available and easy to follow online for their Egyptian audience and members.
CrossFit – CrossFit Stars & TD Athletics

CrossFit itself is a branded fitness regimen created by Greg Glassman in 2000. Since then, it has grown to become a global phenomenon with gyms and entities all over the world adopting the intense and highly effective fitness program.
In Egypt, both CrossFit Stars and TD Athletics have built their reputations as go-to local hubs for the ultimate CrossFit workouts, building themselves a large base following.
The program itself consists of high-intensity interval training that focuses on strength and conditioning, using a mixture various aerobics, cardio, and weight-based exercises. It is a great way to both lose weight and gain muscle and strength. Mix it with proper nutrition, and it is a refreshing way to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Ever since the banning of public gatherings and everyone being quarantined, both Egyptian fitness entities have continued to upload daily workouts on their social media pages that people can follow at home.
BeFit Egypt

Since 2013, BeFit Egypt has garnered a massive following of fitness enthusiasts, building a wonderful reputation for itself. Similar to CrossFit workouts, BeFit workouts include a different range of high-intensity interval training.
With a mixture of cardio, aerobics and weight-based exercises, these workouts are again a sure way of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle.
In attempts to continue encouraging people to workout at home, BeFit Egypt has also been very active in maintaining daily workout programs readily available on their social media platforms so that people can follow them from home.
Pole Fit Egypt (PFE)

Founded in 2013, Pole fit Egypt (PFE) is the first of its kind aerial arts school in Cairo. According to the official Facebook page PFE offers, “an extended portfolio of aerial and acrobatic classes such as Pole Dance and Fitness, Aerial Yoga, Aerial Hoop, Acroyoga, Handstands, Flexibility and Strength.”
Since its opening in Egypt, PFE grew to become very popular as both a fun and refreshingly new way to workout. It mixes the strength of a good workout with the expression of movement art, creating an overall unique experience.
PFE was one of the first local fitness entities to shift their classes online, encouraging people to continue working out, expressing themselves through movement, and feeling good, all while staying home.
Cairo Contemporary Dance Centre (CCDC)

This unique and wholesome entity has been a staple recommendation in the arts scene since its establishment in 2012.
According to the official Facebook page, “CCDC is an independent space for Contemporary Dance in Egypt hosting the first full-time Contemporary Dance school in Africa and the Arab world. In addition to the 3-year full-time professional training program, CCDC offers artistic residencies, open classes, courses, and workshops in various dance and movement disciplines.”
Indeed, in addition to offering various types of dance and movement classes, CCDC has also hosted a variety of workshops such as acting and nutrition workshops. The space also offers various fitness classes ranging from barre to yoga.
CCDC has been very active in making various classes they offer readily available online for people to follow at home, from various types of dance classes such as ballet and breakdance to more fitness-based classes such as barre and yoga.

B-urn Egypt is a fitness entity that grew to popularity through Instagram. Revolving around a philosophy they call ‘The Happy’, B-urn is all about encouraging inner peace and happiness through feeling strong and feeling good.
B-urn has been very active in maintaining home workout routines both through videos available at all times on their Instagram channel, as well as live videos so that people can feel the communal energy of a group workout.
Their workouts are rigorous, challenging and always fun, and they have daily schedules of workouts available throughout the day.
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