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Cherishing Friendship: Egyptian Stories of Selfless Acts and Support

July 31, 2024

By Belal Nawar

Senior Journalist

Photo Source: IMDb

By Belal Nawar

Senior Journalist

In a world often consumed by self-interest, the International Day of Friendship on Tuesday 30 July serves as a timely reminder of the transformative power of genuine friendship. 

We spoke to several individuals who shared heartwarming stories of the kindest gestures their friends have extended, revealing the depths of human compassion and the profound impact it can have.

Renad Galal, a 27-year-old medical representative, recounted the unwavering support of her friend Rana, a 28-year-old football player, during challenging times. “When my mom couldn’t be there for me while I was in a different country, Rana stepped in and got me cooked food that lasted an entire month,” Renad shared. 

“And whenever I had arguments with my family and wanted to move out, Rana always offered me a place to stay for as long as I needed.”

 Renad’s story highlights the importance of having a friend who is willing to go above and beyond to ensure your well-being, even in the face of difficult circumstances.

Adam Ismail, a 25-year-old nutritionist, praised his best friend Hamdy Hesham, a 29-year-old squash coach, for his selfless actions. “When my car broke down, Hamdy drove over 100 kilometers to help me out,” Adam recounted. 

“He never let me down, and I’m truly grateful for his unwavering friendship.” This act of practical assistance demonstrates the depth of Hamdy’s commitment to his friend, and the value of having someone you can count on in times of need.

From ES’ social media team, Nadia Al Shobak’s friend has demonstrated kindness in a variety of ways, from thoughtful gifts to emotional support.

 “They got me a hard copy of Harry Potter & the Philosopher’s Stone (Hufflepuff edition), sent me handwritten letters, and even organized a scavenger hunt for my birthday present,” Nadia shared. 

“But most importantly, they’ve always been there for me when I need them, providing a safe space and reminding me of my worth.” Nadia’s story highlights the importance of having a friend who not only supports you materially, but also emotionally, helping to build self-confidence and resilience.

Asmaa Ahmed, a 25-year-old news reporter, shared how her friend has gone above and beyond to support her. “They’ve massaged my neck when I’ve had awful headaches, carried on my responsibilities when I’m too miserable or tired to do them, cooked for me, and provided a safe haven when I needed to escape the world,” Asmaa said. 

“They’ve literally tended to my wounds when I’ve been hurt.” 

Asmaa’s story demonstrates the profound impact of a friend who is willing to provide practical, emotional, and even physical support, helping to alleviate the burden of daily life.

Enjy Akram, one of  Egyptian Streets’ editors added, “My friends were really supportive when my dad died, shows the true kindness that can stem from emotional support.” 

As for Farah Samir, a reporter atEgyptian Streets, she recounted her experience of being on a semester abroad and feeling homesick.  Her friend, at that time, lived two hours away from her and she did not have a car. She visited her and brought  Farah food, medicine, and stayed with her until she felt better. 

Farah told us that “I think this was the kindest thing my friend has ever done for me because it was also during finals season so it was such a selfless act.” 

Finally, Shereif Barakat, Egyptian Streets’ news reporter, expressed that the kindest thing his friends have done for him is to accept him for who he is, with all the quirks or differences in his personality he possess compared to a few of them. 

“It shows in our social outings, how they celebrate my occasions in their own special ways, and how they listen to me. Honestly, I’ve got a good group of genuine people and that makes for a plethora of small acts of kindness — something I hope to never take for granted,” Sherief claimed.. 

These stories serve as a powerful testament to the transformative power of friendship and the profound impact that simple acts of kindness can have. 

As we celebrate the International Day of Friendship, may we all be inspired to emulate the generosity and compassion displayed by these extraordinary individuals and their friends, and to cherish the invaluable bonds that enrich our lives.

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