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Myths and Modern Egypt: Celebrating International Cat Day

August 8, 2023
Photo Credit: Mitch Altman Wikimedia Commons

Whether in ancient Egypt or on the internet today, cats enjoy a lot of popularity. Where they once commanded the respect of demigods, they are now regarded as fluffy companions that feature prominently in viral memes. With their fascinating contributions to history as well as their prominence in households worldwide, it is almost expected to have a day wholly dedicated to cats. International Cat Day is celebrated every year on 8 August. Established by the International Fund for Animal Welfare, it aims to raise awareness about ways to protect and help cats and kittens. As such, Egypt in particular has a lot to celebrate on this day due to its long and rich history with cats — while modern Egyptians are avid pet-lovers, their ancient ancestors took their adoration to another level. The Many Cats of Egyptian Mythology Back in 3100 BC, ancient Egyptians followed their polytheistic religion closely. A big part of it was respecting animals as gifts or vessels of their gods — but cats enjoyed a special amount of attention. While gods like falcon-headed Horus or jackal-headed Anubis enjoy recognition today, ancient Egyptian mythology actually had quite…

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