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Egyptian Authorities Advise Precautions to Endure Intense Heat Waves

June 28, 2024
A man protecting his head from the heat wave in Cairo. Photo credit: Al-Ahram.

Egypt continues to be hit by intense heat waves, raising the alarm for Egyptians to exercise caution when going out in the scorching sun.

The Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) forecasts that temperatures in Cairo and Lower Egypt will reach around 41 degrees Celsius during the day, and drop to approximately 27 degrees Celsius at night.

According to the EMA, the temperature can differ by up to four degrees Celsius between shaded areas and those under direct sunlight, contributing to an increased feeling of heat.

“The current rise in temperatures is typical due to high humidity levels during the summer season,” Manar Ghanem, a member of the media center at the EMA, stated. She mentioned that temperatures are expected to increase further in the next three months.

Amidst the extreme weather conditions, citizens are advised to take precautions to avoid heat strokes and dehydration.

Ghanem advised Egyptians to avoid exposure to the sun during the day, emphasizing the importance of wearing a hat and white clothes, as well as drinking a lot of water to compensate for the excessive sweating in the heat.

The National Nutrition Institute (NNI), under the auspice of Egypt’s Ministry of Health and Population, provided through its official Facebook page several tips for citizens to combat the heat wave.

To reduce temperature and refresh during the summer heat, the NNI advised people to drink a minimum of eight cups of water during hot days and avoid large meals, consuming instead fatty fish and lean meat as it is easier to digest.

Reducing the consumption of sugars and sweets and replacing them with frozen fruits or natural juices, as well as eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables is also highly recommended.

According to the NNI, covering the head while in the sun could also protect against heat strokes, and wearing lots of sunscreen could protect the skin from sunburn and sun damage.

For better airflow and a lower body temperature, it is suggested to wear loose and lightweight clothes, preferably made of cotton. The NNI also advised Egyptians to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from harmful UV rays.

The EMA urges citizens to stay indoors, hydrate, and refrain from outdoor activities when it is hot.

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