A pornographic film shot at the Pyramids of Giza has sparked outrage in Egypt and an investigation by the government.
“A set of sexually explicit scenes was illegally filmed inside the Giza Necropolis by a foreign tourist while visiting the site,” confirmed Egypt’s Antiquities Minister Mamdouh al-Damati.
The Antiquities Minister added that the film, shot by Russians and uploaded with English subtitles nine months ago to three pornographic websites, has sparked a government investigation into the matter.
The Minister added that surveillance cameras and equipment would be installed at the Pyramids in the coming months to ensure that similar incidents, and other security concerns, are tackled.
In the film, the actress named Aurita complains about having to visit the historic sites.

“This f***ing sucks,” says the actress as she drives past the Pyramids. “What is there to look at? It really sucks, even our resorts are better.”
Meanwhile, the male co-star in the video expresses similar discontent, saying he wished the pyramids would be destroyed.
“What’s there to see? I hate f***ing pyramids,” says the unidentified man who also uses derogatory homophobic terms to describe vendors at the Pyramids, “I wish they would be f***ing destroyed.”
Throughout the video, the woman in the video complains, exclaiming that a Pyramid in the distance is “unfinished” as she points at it.
The clip at the Pyramids is part of a series of clips in which Aurita and her male co-star perform numerous sexual acts on an airplane and in Egypt. In one clip, Aurita flashes herself at the Pyramids while exclaiming “my tits and the Sphinx.”
In another clip, she gives fellatio to her male co-star at a discrete location meters away from the Pyramids.
The pair filmed several clips in Egypt, including one at a discrete location in the desert. During that clip, the female actress exclaims “I’m dizzy,” after having intercourse with her male co-star. The man responds “It’s because of the good sex.” The woman in the video, however, disagrees, saying “No. It’s because of the sun.”
Knowledge of local officials?
While the Minister of Antiquities urged an immediate investigation, Egypt’s Al-Masry Al-Youm reported that the film was shot with the knowledge of local security officials.

“The film was shot in broad daylight and with the knowledge of the officials in charge of the area,” said Osama Karar, the coordinator of the Popular Front to Defend Antiquities in Egypt to AMAY, adding that the videos reveal the name of an Egyptian tour company and the identity of a tour guide accompanying the pornographers.
Nevertheless, the video shows the two porn stars with a larger tour group before leaving and exploring the site on their own. In the video, the male co-star says “we have one hour [to explore the site alone],” indicating that the film may have been shot without the knowledge of the tour operator.
However, Egyptologist Bassam al-Shamaa told News Time Africa that the film was shot in an area prohibited for tourists, adding that surveillance cameras are not enough to secure Egypt’s antiquities and monuments.
“A full security cordon must be installed to prevent such incidents – which demean Egyptian civilization – from reoccurring,” said al-Shamaa.
Comments (97)
The way to stop this incidents is by letting our government enforcing conservative traditional values that must apply on tourists too. Egypt is not a liberal western country and we never will be!
correct, you will never be a western country – no science, no literature, no art. Keep praying and grow cotton – only two things you are capable of. Scare off turists and you will be left with your moronity alone.
Seriously? The Egyptians, no science, art or literature? I sense moronity right there.
You just went full retard, never go full retard.
So western countries have a monopoly on science, literature and art? You’re probably one of those western universalist idiots who believe only western countries are capable of being succesful. Look at the ancient empires of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Those weren’t remotely western. Also, Iranians, and South-East Indians are FAR more smarter than most people in the USA today.
maybe not bring up crap that happened thousands of years ago….
It kinda makes you look well…. old.
The muslims stole most of their scientific ideas from Greece. But you’re right the pre Islamic world achieved great things and the Persians, Egyptians and Mesopotamians were great. But it all ended with Islam. That’s why ISIS is so keen to destroy evidence of the great civilisations that pre date Islam. They’d rather people not see they were great peoples, but long ago and before Islam.
Your countries must be so proud with such classy representatives of your nationalities. What a civilised conversation!
building an iphone isnt progress, and you don’t even build it, china does. The west will be dying by the millions as soon as its money scam is up, and its coming like a trainwreck. You will be dead within weeks of its collapse, while the “Muslims” go on growing goods that keep them alive:)
I say all peoples from free countries stop travelling to Egypt. Stop giving them your money. Let them swim in the piss and shit they call a country, I’m sure the Muslims will eventually try to blow up the Pyramids anyway.
you’re a disgusting excuse for a human.
Muslims give your fucking country the money, do you know who owns the biggest fortune on the earth !?? it is the gulf countries, so we really will not miss your gorgeous existence on our land , go find something useful and put it in ur back
Do you think the oil in the gulf would be worth anything without the global demand, it goes both ways. Look at the recent slump since the discovery of shale.
you only exist because we allow it for now
And you are doing what exactly,reading a 100% Egyptian website?
Egypt is not even investing in tourism anymore. Egypt is working on real projects like the Suez Canal and new business districts.
hahahhah the suez canal will make Egypt a paradise? Egypt is a shithole nowadays, Egypt is on the way in a very big disaster. The people grow, the filthy environment, infrastructure decays, the water is scarce, the current dilapidated also the education and health systems. You can lock away the boys, kill, cheat, but that’s not enough, there are too many. The dictatorship will make 4-6 years more I give no more the system. And the Suez Canal will not solve all problems, you dickhead. But still keep staying ‘Long live Egypt’ the mother of the world .hahahaha….
We’ll see about that ”Ramez Magdy” 😉 Atleast it’s much safer and stable than under the regime of that clown Morsi.
better a clown , then a devil’s dictator aka Mubarak 2.0. The revolution will start again soon.
Correction: Mobarak was a dictator and clown. Morsi is a traitor. He is locked up for treason against his own country. You missed the bus – June 30 revolution placed your beloved Morsi and his MB/DAESH/Alqaeda gang in rat holes to rot.
Well, if the people coming here are only half as moronic as yourself, then by all means stay out of here. We don’t need more piss and shit to swim in.
your people would crumble to dust without our pittance cast upon your pathetic faces
Shut up, twat. If your CUNTries had minded their own business, the Middle-East wouldn’t have been the shithole that it is today.
Yes we should, lets let them go back to the Gold Dinar, and watch the western worlds fiat system collapse. The watch 100’s of millions of the “westerners” die within 4 weeks! Thats exactly how that scenario would go, moron.
Yes we should, lets let them go back to the Gold Dinar, and watch the western worlds fiat system collapse. Then watch 100’s of millions of the “westerners” die within 4 weeks! Thats exactly how that scenario would go, moron.
fool you think the americans would allow their precious petro dollar to fail there would be ww3 before that happened and im fine with that
Again….these were not “westerners,” but Russians.
El masr el youm has the become the worst and most unreliable paper in Egypt wonder who is financing it now. The porn star are attention seeking disturbed individuals