In recent years, “Drawing Muhammad” has often attracted widespread controversy and often violence. From the infamous Danish cartoons and Charlie Hebdo’s depiction of the Prophet to the most recent anti-Islam event held by Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative in Texas, there have been numerous incidents where images Muslims consider offensive have been produced.
Yet, while the likes of Geert Wilders, a controversial Islamophobic Dutch politician, and Pamela Geller, whose organization has been criticized for promoting hatred, attribute Islam to terrorism and use free speech to provoke anti-Islamic behavior, Muslims across the globe have been working to find new ways to show fight Islamophobia.
Popular blog, run by American activist Amani Al-Khatahtbeh, recently called on people to draw Muhammad.
What is the twist? “Muhammad is the most common name in the world, and chances are you know a Muhammad,” said

“So, let’s draw Muhammad. Let’s honor his diversity. Let’s celebrate his many different faces. Let’s elevate his humanity. In a bleak world where the Pamela Gellers are the ones with the mic, let’s shine some light on the good.”’s staff stress that Pam Geller, and others like her, don’t know much about Islam or Muslims and instead uses her platform to fund Islamophobic advertisements and maximize offensive Muslim stereotypes.
The ‘Draw Muhammad’ campaign is intended to “push back against the hate” with love by ‘helping’ Pamela Geller draw Muhammad. All those who wish to participate simply have to submit their illustrations on social media using the hashtag #DM2015.
Not enough ppl drawing Muhammads these days, eh? Here’s @MaliZomg in his native habitat, surrounded by cats. #DM2015
— Zeba Khan (@Zebasez) May 7, 2015
Hi @PamelaGeller you wanted me to draw Muhammed, so I did! And I drew you too, do you like it? #FreeSpeech #DM2015
— Hayat Ezzeroili (@Hayatezzeroili) May 6, 2015
.@muslimgirl : My friend Muhammad. (Looks younger here :-)) He’s from Pakistan & I tutor him in English. #DM2015
— Cyd Melcher (@Cydster61) May 6, 2015
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