Celebrating Germany’s exit from the World Cup, Mohammad Zaher, a 25-year-old Lebanese man was killed on Wednesday night in Beirut.
Zaher was pronounced dead after being heavily knifed by a 17-year old Germany fan that was provoked by Zaher’s support for Brazil.

The killer was identified as Hussein Khodr . He was detained by the Lebanese authorities which have reported to Al-Mudun, a Lebanese news outlet, that Khodr will be tried at juvenile court as he is still a minor.
As a supporter of the Brasilian team, Zaher was igniting fireworks following Germany’s loss to South Korea. Khodr approached Zaher to end to his celebration while Khodr’s elder brother was trying to protect him. However, the knife that Khodr later used to attack Zaher was reported by Al-Mudun to have caused Zaher internal bleeding which had led to his death.
The tragedy of Zaher’s death and the irrational reaction that Khodr triggered has unsettled Lebanese citizens that have expressed their anger on social media.
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