On the occasion of the anniversary of the Holy Family’s arrival to Egypt, the Coptic museum located in Fustat is launching a temporary exhibition on June 2.
The Coptic Museum is organizing a temporary exhibition on Sunday, June 2 under the title “Holy Journey” on the occasion of the anniversary of the arrival of the Holy Family to Egypt.
According to Egypt Today, the exhibition will feature models illustrating the path of the journey as well as a variety of artifacts that allude to the journey as per Head of the Museums Sector Elham Salah.
The exhibition will also be accompanied being a number of musical performances that will be taking place in the museum, as well as workshops guided tours and educational lectures.
The Coptic museum is a cherished and iconic establishment near the Hanging Church. Not only does it contain artifacts which record the transition of Egypt’s history and culture from Greco-Roman to early Christianity and then Islamic, the museum’s impressive artwork collection in the world.
The end of the 19th century saw a peaking interest in Coptic art which has lead to the increased collection and retrieval of Coptic artifacts until the proper establishment of the museum in 1910. Since then, the museum has been a home to frescoes, sculptures, clothes and manuscripts among other artifacts.
A touristic focus on Coptic heritage and art
There are various forms of tourism, the backbone of the country’s economy, existing in Egypt; local and international tourists indulge in cultural and leisure tourism although the government is promoting the country’s potential for medical and religious tourism as well.
A Holy Family “tour” was devised by the Ministry of Tourism in April 2017; it was promoted with the collaboration of Pope Francis in April of that year.

Two Italian delegations have already been on the tour; the program is forecasted to attract a large number of tourists from all around the world.
Thousands of tourists already flock to Saint Catherine’s monastery in Sinai every year as the site is considered of religious significance to world’s three major Abrahamic religions Christianity, Islam and Judaism as one of its mountains is believed to have been the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments.
In an effort to promote greater international recognition of the Coptic community and to introduce this ancient, Orthodox Church to the world, 1 June 2019 has been designated to mark the inaugural celebration of the Global Coptic Day, which will continue on an annual basis.
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