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Unleashing Love: The Transformative Paw-print of Pets in Egypt’s Urban Hearts

August 28, 2024

As the country’s urban residents increasingly welcome furry companions into their homes, a closer examination reveals that this trend goes beyond the superficial displays of social standing.

The Shift in Perspectives

Historically, pet ownership in ancient Egypt was often associated with a specific purpose whether it was protection, religious purposes, or as “gifts from the gods.” 

However, in modernity, a growing number of Egyptians embrace pets for the genuine love and emotional support they provide.

Sraa Omar, a 28-year-old quality control professional, describes her bond with her cat, Besso, as more than just a pet-owner relationship.

 “He’s not just a pet, he’s my friend,” she explains. “Besso has been a huge part of my journey to combat anxiety and stress, especially at home.” 

Omar’s unwavering commitment to Besso’s well-being, even to the point of planning her travels around him, showcases the emotional support these pets provide.

Similarly, Wael Ragab, a 48-year-old banker, fondly recounts the impact his Golden Retriever, Bella, has had on his life. 

“Bella has become my only family as my two daughters are currently studying abroad,” he shares.

 “I’m so attached to her that if I ever feel she’s not eating well or not playing like she used to, I rush her to the vet immediately. If this isn’t genuine love, I don’t know what is.”

The story of Ganna El Masry, a 27-year-old TV presenter and model, and her feisty cat, Zaatar, further illustrates the transformative power of pet ownership.

 “Zaatar was not fully accepted by my family at first, but with time, their love for him shattered everything else,” Ganna explains. “My love for Zaatar is not about owning a cat, but the excitement I feel every day to come back from shooting and find him waiting for me.”

Lama Youssef, a 19-year-old, speaks of her adopted dog, Mudzy, as more than a typical pet-owner dynamic. 

“Mudzy was a dog that no one else would adopt due to his color and facial features. But I saw the loneliness in his eyes and surrendered to his love and companionship,” Lama says. “He’s not just a pet, he’s a part of my everyday life, and I would sacrifice anything for him.”

Even among the younger generation, the emotional connection between pet and owner is notable. 

Karma El Rayes, a 15-year-old student, recalls the obstacles she overcame to bring her beloved dog, Julia, into the family.

 “I never thought my family would allow a dog to live with us, but Julia has become more than just a pet – she’s like a second sister to me,” Karma shares.

A Cherished Companionship

These stories challenge the notion that pet ownership in Egypt is solely a reflection of social status. 

According to The American National Institutes of Health, pets are considered more than possessions; they have become cherished members of the family, their unconditional love and unwavering presence shaping the lives of their owners in profound and lasting ways. 

The joy and comfort they provide have become an integral part of the urban Egyptian lifestyle, with many individuals prioritizing the well-being of their pets over material considerations.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Pets

Beyond the emotional connections, pets have also been found to offer substantial therapeutic benefits to their owners. Studies have shown that the presence of animals can have a calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety levels, and improving overall mental health. 

Sara Omar’s experience with her cat, Besso, is a proof to the comfort and companionship that pets can provide during difficult times

The bond between Wael Ragab and his Golden Retriever, Bella, further underscores the importance of pets in alleviating feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Financial Responsibility 

Caring for a beloved pet comes with a substantial financial responsibility that can often strain the budgets of even the most prepared pet owners. 

Veterinary visits, medications, high-quality pet food, and the endless array of toys and accessories can quickly add up, frequently pushing the cost of pet ownership beyond what the average person might expect. 

Despite these considerable expenses, pet owners are often more than willing to make the necessary sacrifices to ensure their pets receive the very best care. 

From setting aside funds each month to cover unexpected medical emergencies, these devoted caretakers go to great lengths to provide for the pets they love. 

The joy, comfort, and companionship that pets bring into their owners’ lives make every penny spent and every extra effort worthwhile.

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