Renowned Egyptian actor and producer Sami El-Adl, who recently featured as a father on the Ramadan television show Hareit Al-Yahud (Jewish Alley), has passed away at 69.
According to Al-Ahram, El-Adl had been hospitalized with a heart problem.
El-Adl first made his debut in the 1970s and became one of Egypt’s most popular television and movie actors. His latest appearance in ‘Jewish Alley’ was one of 55 productions he has worked on.
The late actor also established one of Egypt’s most famous production companies, now known El-Adl Group, in the late 1980s and has been involved in the production of 44 movies and television shows.
He also established a production company in the late 1980s, calling it “El-Adl Film” before Sami’s three brothers set up the now-famous El-Adl Group in 1997, which produced 18 films and 26 television series.
El-Adl’s funeral will be held on Friday after noon prayers at Al-Rashdan mosque in Cairo’s Nasr City.
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Fuck this day. Omer Sherif and now Sami El-Adl? FUCK!!