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Uber Incident Updates: Habiba El-Shamaa Dies After Health Condition Deteriorates

March 14, 2024


Habiba El-Shamaa, 23, who jumped from an Uber car to escape an alleged attempted kidnapping by the driver, passed away on Thursday, March 14, after a three-week hospitalization, according to a statement by her lawyer.

El-Shamaa was in intensive care at the International Medical Center Hospital in New Cairo for 21 days before her condition deteriorated. The hospital administration notified the Public Prosecution to finalize burial procedures.

This news follows the filing of a complaint against Uber’s headquarters by El-Shamaa’s lawyer. The complaint accuses Uber Egypt of inaction, negligence, and hiring a driver under the influence of drugs who allegedly attempted to kidnap El-Shamaa.

The lawyer is seeking compensation from Uber, citing Egyptian Civil Law which stipulates that those causing harm to others must compensate the victim. The complaint argues that Uber, as the parent company, is liable for the legal consequences and damages sustained by El-Shamaa.

Public outcry over the death of Habiba El-Shamaa has sparked calls on social media for urgent reforms in Egypt’s ride-hailing industry.

Many are demanding stricter driver background checks, improved safety features within ride-hailing applications, and a more robust system for holding drivers accountable for misconduct or violence.


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