Egypt’s Ministry of Health and the regional office of the World Health Organisation announced on Friday that 12 Egyptians had tested positive for COVID-19, but have not yet shown any symptoms.
The twelve people tested had worked on a Nile cruise ship sailing from Aswan to Luxor.
According to the joint statement, a Taiwanese national of American origins had tested positive for COVID-19 more than a couple weeks ago after returning from a Nile cruise trip in Egypt.
The WHO informed Egypt of the Taiwanese individual’s infection and the Ministry of Health took steps to quarantine all those who worked on the cruise ship – the number of which has not been confirmed.
Nearing the end of the 14 days of quarantine, 12 of the cruise ship’s crew tested positive for COVID-19, but have yet to show any symptoms.
According to the statement, the WHO believes the Taiwanese national is the ‘index case’ of the infections on the cruise ship.
The 12 who tested positive for COVID-19 are now in isolation in a hospital. Everyone who has been in contact with those 12 – including others on the cruise ship – will remain in quarantine, announced the joint statement.
The WHO meanwhile stressed that Egypt has been quick at identifying and quarantining any individuals who have possibly been infected.
The joint announcement comes a day after the third case of COVID-19 was confirmed. On Thursday, an Egyptian returning from Serbia, after a 12-hour transit in France, tested positive and is now receiving treatment.
The second case of COVID-19 was also identified earlier this week after a Canadian national tested positive. Over 2,500 employees at an oil company where the Canadian individual works were placed under quarantine.
COVID-19’s characteristics and most common symptoms are a fever and/or cough, as well as shortness of breath, muscle aches and headaches. The virus first appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has since spread globally.
Featured image courtesy of Flickr/ David Berkowitz
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[…] De plictiseală. Mi s-a terminat bulanul. Acum două zile am auzit știrea cu sinistrații de pe barca de croazieră de pe Nil, la Luxor. […]