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Israeli Strikes Kill Over 20 Palestinians in Jabalia and Nuseirat Refugee Camps

May 19, 2024


Over the last two days in Gaza, Israeli airstrikes on refugee camps have killed 15 Palestinian civilians in Jabalia and at least 20 Palestinian civilians in Nuseirat, as reported by the Palestinian Wafa news agency.

These recent Israeli airstrikes have been marked as one of the deadliest in weeks, as both refugee camps are packed with displaced Palestinians attempting to flee areas of aggressive targeting.

“Today is the most difficult in terms of the occupation bombardment, air strikes and tank shelling have been going on almost non-stop,” one resident in Jabalia, Ibrahim Khaled, told France24 via a chat app.

The two refugee camps, besieged by Israeli forces for days, face critical shortages of food, water, and medical supplies, leaving families in desperate conditions. Rescue teams struggle to reach the camps to attend to the wounded, and retrieve bodies.

A video circulating on social media captures a scene of Palestinian civilians, from the Jabalia camp, fleeing amidst the Israeli airstrikes; it shows numerous injuries sustained in the attacks.

“Not eight months ago, not last year, not yesterday, but this morning, this video was taken in Jabalya camp, north of Gaza,” Hani Almadhoun, director of UNRWA USA, shared in a post. “Bodies are literally piling up in the streets, specifically next to Temraz Gas station, where anyone entering the area is fired upon, including volunteers attempting to retrieve the bodies. This video shows an airstrike and residents trying to rescue their neighbors.”

Since 7 October, the continuous Israeli assault on Gaza has led to 35,386 documented Palestinian deaths and 79,366 more injured, as reported by local health authorities. Among the victims, a significant majority are women and children.

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  1. […] Source of this program “This is one of the great ingredients!!”“During the past two days in Gaza, Israeli airstrikes against refugee camps have reportedly killed 15 Palestinian civilians in Jabalia and at least 20 Palestinian civilians in Nuseyrat…”Source: Read moreSource link: https://egyptianstreets.com/2024/05/19/israeli-strikes-kill-over-20-palestinians-in-jabalia-and-nuseirat-refugee-camps/ […]