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Bringing the Dentist to Your Doorstep: How “Doctor Go” is Revolutionizing Dental Care

May 30, 2024

By Belal Nawar

Senior Journalist


By Belal Nawar

Senior Journalist

In a world where going to the dentist can be a source of inconvenience for many, one Egyptian dental practitioner is flipping the script. 

Dr. Abdelrahman Hatem, the man behind the unique “Doctor Go” house-call dental service, is on a mission to make quality dental care more accessible and comfortable for patients.

The inspiration behind Doctor Go stemmed from Dr. Hatem’s desire to cater to those who often struggle to visit a traditional dental office: the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and children who dread the dentist chair. 

“The main reasons for choosing this special way of doing business were to offer personal care in a place patients feel comfortable, reduce stress for patients, and help people who can’t easily get dental care,” he explains in an interview with Egyptian Streets.

The response from patients has been overwhelmingly positive.

 “Patients like the convenience and comfort of getting dental care at home, which means they don’t have to travel and they feel less anxious about going to the dentist,” says Dr. Hatem. “Patients appreciate the special attention and caring approach they get in their own space.”

Doctor Go’s business model is a stark contrast to the traditional dental practice. Instead of patients coming to them, the Doctor Go team brings all the necessary equipment — from portable dental chairs to digital imaging tools — directly to the patient’s doorstep or care facility. 

This logistical puzzle requires meticulous planning, from scheduling and equipment transport to adhering to strict sterilization protocols.

While the startup phase came with its fair share of logistical challenges, Dr. Hatem and his team found innovative ways to overcome them. “We’ve solved these problems by planning carefully, working with good suppliers, and training our team well,” he shares.

Doctor Go aims to differentiate himself by emphasizing patient convenience and comfort as key priorities.

“What makes Doctor Go different is that we make dental care easy, give personal attention, and really care about each patient’s needs,” Dr. Hatem explains. “Our main objectives are that we make it easier for older people and those with disabilities because they can’t always go to regular dental clinics and provide emergency response capabilities.”

As Doctor Go continues to grow, with plans to expand and be able to visit additional locations across Cairo, Dr. Hatem remains committed to leveraging technology to enhance the patient experience. From digital records to online consultations, the practice is exploring new avenues to make dental care more accessible and efficient.

Looking ahead, Dr. Hatem envisions a future where house call dental services like Doctor Go become increasingly mainstream.

 “In the future, we think more and more people will use portable dental units like Doctor Go. This is because technology is getting better, people want more personalized care, and there’s a focus on preventing dental problems,” he predicts.

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