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Egypt Urges Citizens Against Travel to Lebanon

September 26, 2024

By Belal Nawar

Senior Journalist

Photo Source: NPR

By Belal Nawar

Senior Journalist

In response to the increasing military activities along the Israeli-Lebanese border and Israel’s strikes on Lebanese towns and cities, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration issued an official statement on Wednesday 25 September urging citizens to refrain from traveling to Lebanon unless absolutely necessary.

This warning comes as violence escalates in the region, particularly due to Israeli strikes on Lebanon which have killed more than 600 people.

The ministry advised Egyptians in Lebanon to exercise extreme caution, steer clear of areas with heightened tension, and follow the instructions of local authorities. 

Constant communication with the Egyptian embassy in Beirut is also strongly recommended.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry has condemned the Israeli escalation, warning that it could lead to a wider regional conflict. 

Egypt is advocating for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict and calls for adherence to UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which aims to stabilize the situation and address the needs of displaced individuals, particularly in light of the forced displacement of tens of thousands of Lebanese citizens—an act that Egypt says represents a total disregard for the UN Charter and a violation of international law and humanitarian law.

As the Israeli military continues its airstrikes on Lebanese towns and cities, the death toll has risen significantly, with reports indicating over 600 fatalities, including at least 50 children, and more than 1,835 wounded, according to Lebanon’s Ministry of Health. 

The strikes, which began on 22 September, have targeted civilian areas and prompted widespread evacuations, as residents receive urgent messages to leave locations associated with Hezbollah. This escalation is linked to the broader conflict in Gaza, with Hezbollah framing its actions as solidarity with the Palestinian people while simultaneously aiming to stretch Israeli military resources. 

Experts predict that confrontations between Israel and Hezbollah may persist for an extended period, highlighting the urgency of the situation for both local residents and visitors.

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