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Elderly Woman ‘Virtually Beheaded’ as Three Killed in Suspected Terror Attack in France’s Nice

October 29, 2020
Credit: @cestrosi via Twitter.

Three people have been killed and two others injured in a suspected terrorist attack inside the Notre Dame church in Nice, France. Reports from French media, citing French police, said that one elderly victim was “virtually beheaded” and another man had his throat cut. The elderly woman and the man died in the church, while the third victim, a woman, had managed to flee the church after being stabbed multiple times but died later of her injuries. Nice’s mayor Christian Estrosi tweeted that “everything suggests” the attacks were a terrorist attack. The mayor added that one person had been arrested and taken to a nearby hospital after being shot and injured by police during his arrest. Je suis sur place avec la @PoliceNat06 et la @pmdenice qui a interpellé l’auteur de l’attaque. Je confirme que tout laisse supposer à un attentat terroriste au sein de la basilique Notre-Dame de #Nice06. pic.twitter.com/VmpDqRwzB1 — Christian Estrosi (@cestrosi) October 29, 2020 The mayor added that the attacker had shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is Great) while being restrained by police. “Enough is enough…we have to remove this Islamo-fascism from our territory,” said the mayor…

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