A few months ago, we were having a conversation with a friend about new places in Cairo that we should visit. She mentioned how there is this place in Maadi that is exclusive to non-Egyptians. Of course, the thought of that was instantly intriguing and a little disconcerting, to say the least. What is this place, and why does it exclude locals? We decided to venture out and find out more about this mysterious place. Through a quick Google search, we found out that it is called ACE Club and that it is located in a villa in Victoria Square in Maadi, one of Cairo’s most popular neighborhoods for expats. ACE, unlike the Ace of Spades, actually is an acronym for “Association of Cairo Expatriates” and was opened back in 1998. For 21 years, this spot has served as a popular home for members of Cairo’s expat community, a place to go and socialize with other expats and meet new people who may be sharing a similar experience. We were told that most of the club members and guests are teachers, teaching in international schools across the capital notably securing…
Behind the Doors of ACE Club: A Look Inside Cairo’s ‘Expats-Only’ Club
August 7, 2019