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Historic Sayeda Zeinab Mosque in Cairo Reopened After Renovation

May 12, 2024
Photo Source: Best of Cairo

On Sunday 12 May, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi officiated the opening ceremony of the Sayeda Zeinab Mosque in Cairo, marking the completion of its two-year renovation. 

The mosque’s renovation is part of the government’s efforts to revitalize Prophet Muhammad’s family mausoleums and restore some parts of Historic Cairo.

The ceremony was attended by several public and political figures, including Sultan Mufaddal Saifuddin, the Sultan of the Bohra community from India. 

Built in the year 85 AH (704-705 CE), the Sayeda Zeinab mosque is situated in the Al-Sayeda Zeinab neighborhood of Cairo, taking its name from the mosque itself. 

Positioned at the heart of the neighborhood, it is near the prominent Al-Sayeda Zainab square.

The Sayeda Zeinab Mosque holds a special place in the hearts of Muslim Egyptians, as it contains the grave of Zeinab, the daughter of Ali and Fatimah, and granddaughter of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. 

The mosque has undergone several renovations throughout history, with significant attention given to its preservation by the Muhammad Ali Pasha family. 

Al Sisi highlighted Egypt’s plan to develop and renovate not only the mausoleums of the Prophet’s family, but also his companions who passed through Egypt. 

The restoration project included the revitalization of the adjacent squares and streets, incorporating a consistent color scheme to improve the overall visual appeal.

The Egyptian government plans to convert the well-known Al-Sayeda Zeinab district into a leading center for religious tourism. This involves the implementation of governmental plans to enhance the tourism infrastructure in the area.

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