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Egypt’s Population Growth Rate Declines to 1.4 Percent Over Four Years

June 3, 2024

Egypt’s population growth rate has dropped from 1.9 percent in 2019 to 1.4 percent in 2023, revealed Mohamed El-Homsani, a spokesperson for the Egyptian cabinet, on Sunday. El-Homsani attributed this decrease to the success of various governmental initiatives, particularly the National Project for Development of the Egyptian Family (NPDEF).

Launched in February 2022, NPDEF is a development project that aims to curb population growth by providing comprehensive health services, implementing family planning initiatives, and addressing the economic impacts of overpopulation. This integrated approach ensures a holistic solution to the overpopulation crisis, aiming to improve overall wellbeing, manage population growth, and support economic stability.

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly held a meeting on Sunday with several ministers and officials to review the implementation and outcomes of the NPDEF in Cairo.

El-Homsani noted that the meeting disclosed a significant reduction in the crude birth rate, which fell from 24.6 births per thousand in 2018 to 19.4 births by the end of 2023. Additionally, the number of births in the first quarter of the current year decreased to 491.8 thousand by the end of March, a 3.5 percent decline from 509.5 thousand during the same period in 2023.

The meeting also highlighted other statistics, such as the provision of family planning and reproductive health services in remote, informal, and lesser-income areas, benefiting 4.4 million. These services were extended through governmental outlets to 23 million people.

Furthermore, 102 family planning clinics were established in partnership with civil society, with equipment provided for 13 clinics. Almost 520 thousand women visited these clinics, resulting in 400 thousand  adopting contraceptive methods. 

Another key metric discussed was the decrease in the crude death rate in 2023, which has improved compared to 2018 and 2019 due to enhanced healthcare services provided through presidential initiatives.

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