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Egypt Extends Electricity Cuts Again as Citizens’ Frustrations Grow

June 25, 2024
Image Credit: Unsplash

Egypt’s Ministry of Electricity and Energy and the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources issued a joint apology to citizens on 24 June in response to growing frustration over extended electricity cuts.

The government’s apology comes the same day it was announced that power blackouts were extended one hour longer — to three to four hours subject to location — for the coming week amid an ongoing heatwave.

“The continued extreme heat above normal levels for this period necessitates the continuation of the load-shedding plan implemented,” the two ministries clarified in their statement.

The ministries also highlighted that measures were taken to import additional quantities of gas and mazut to meet the increased consumption.

The statement did not clarify whether there is a planned timeframe for when cuts will cease.

Egypt’s ongoing power blackouts, beginning in October 2023, drew outrage and concerns from citizens, including media personalities.

“My question here is to the Egyptian people: Are you satisfied with the performance of the current Cabinet?” veteran talk show host Amr Adib said live on 3 June. His comments came in light of a presidential order to restaff the Cabinet.

Adib commentated on the matter again on 24 June, questioning the efforts of parliamentarian forces in demanding change.

“Where is the Mostakbal Watan (Nation’s Future) Party, the majority party, and what solutions have they provided,” he stated.

Pro-government talk show host Ahmed Moussa also expressed frustration towards the prolonged cuts in a segment on 24 June.

“The anger over power cuts is justified…Egyptians have a right to uninterrupted electricity,” Moussa said.


Electricity cuts also raise concerns about citizens’ safety amid recent deaths in southern governorates, which typically experience higher temperatures.

In early June 2024, Aswan recorded 40 deaths in the first week of June due to a severe heatwave, raising alarms over the safety of residents.

Egyptian member of parliament Reham Abdelnabi raised the issue to her fellow MPs after the city recorded a scorching 49.6 degrees Celsius – one of the highest temperatures ever recorded in the area.

Abdelnabi urged the government to exempt Aswan from its ongoing power blackouts, a nationwide initiative to cut electricity for two to three hours across all governorates as a means to alleviate costs.

President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi explained during a presidential conference – prior to the new decision – that the continuation of power cuts is to ensure that electricity costs remain unchanged despite macroeconomic challenges.

In January 2024, the government announced a 7 to 20 percent increase in electricity prices. The Cabinet is set to convene by the end of the year to decide on a second hike.

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