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Road Fatalities in Egypt Decreased by 24.5% in 2023

May 19, 2024
Image Credit: Facebook Photos

Egypt witnessed a significant decline in road accident fatalities in 2023, with deaths dropping to 5,861 from 7,762 in 2022 – marking a 24.5 percent decrease according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) in its annual report as reported by state media by Ahram Online.

The report highlighted a reduction in the severity rate of accidents, with the number of deaths per 100 injuries falling to 8.3 in 2023 from 13.9 in 2022 at a decrease of 40.3 percent.

The fatality rate per 100,000 people also dropped to 5.6 in 2023 from 7.5 in the previous year, a 25.3 percent decrease.

Despite the decline in fatalities, the number of road accident injuries surged to 71,016 in 2023, up from 55,991 in 2022, an increase of 27 percent. The injury rate per 100,000 people rose to a 25 percent increase to 67.5 in 2023, compared to 54.0 in 2022.

The Cairo governorate recorded the highest number of road fatalities at 718, while North Sinai recorded the lowest with 18 fatalities in 2023. Dakahlia witnessed the highest number of injuries at 14,192, whereas Ismailia had the lowest with 170 injuries.


Males constituted the majority of casualties in 2023, with 4,902 male fatalities and 959 female fatalities. There were 57,198 male injuries and 13,531 female injuries reported throughout the year.

The gendered data by CAPMAS counters a long-existing stereotype prevalent in misogynistic dialogue that promotes a narrative that Egyptian female drivers are dangerous – an issue feminist movements continue to tackle in the country.


Children under 15 years old accounted for the highest number of fatalities by age group, with 1,409 deaths, followed by those under 35 with 891 deaths. The lowest number was in the under-five age group, with 291 deaths in 2023.

In terms of injuries, the under-15 age group had the highest number at 21,151, followed by those under 25 with 12,654 injuries. The 65+ age group had the fewest injuries with 2,127 in 2023.


Pedestrians were the most affected road user type, with 2,199 deaths, followed by drivers with 1,442 deaths in 2023. Passengers suffered the most injuries with 22,454 cases, followed by pedestrians with 17,553 injuries.


The number of train incidents dropped to an astounding 181 in 2023 from 831 in 2022, a decrease of 78.2 percent. The Greater Cairo area recorded the highest number of train accidents with 45, while the East Delta region had the fewest with 20.

The fatalities in train accidents totalled 53 in 2023, and injuries stood at 51. Among passengers, there were 636 fatalities and 398 injuries in train accidents. Five staff members died, and 237 were injured in these incidents.


In the past years, the Egyptian government has been enhancing road safety measures and upgrading the nation’s road infrastructure to prevent traffic accidents. A large number of bridges were built to lessen congestion and streamline movement, while radars were increased nationwide to catch drivers breaking speed limits.

On 11 May, Egypt’s Public Prosecutor decreed that drivers who surpass the officially mandated speed limits in Egypt may be subjected to criminal charges.

Prior to the latest directive, speeding was penalized with a fine only. However, a fatal multi-vehicle collision the same week of the decision highlighted the potential dangers speeding poses to people and property – enabling prosecutors to consider criminal charges in such cases.

According to Egyptian law, designated speeds on roads vary depending on the type of road and vehicle.

Within residential, industrial, and tourist areas, the speed limit is set at 60 km/h for most vehicles, while trailers and semi-trailers are restricted to 40 km/h.

On highways and major intercity routes, speeds range from 60 km/h for trailers and semi-trailers to 90 km/h for passenger transport vehicles, with trucks limited to 70 km/h.

Desert roads, such as those connecting Cairo to Alexandria and Cairo to Ismailia/Port Said, have varying speed limits ranging from 70 km/h for trailers to 100 km/h for other vehicle types. As for the Cairo-Ain Sokhna Road, it permits cars to travel at a speed of 120 km/h.

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