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Six Palestinians Killed in the West Bank in Israeli Air Strike, Settler Attacks

August 27, 2024
Source: AFP


Five Palestinians, including two children, were killed by an Israeli drone strike on Monday August 26, said the Palestinian Health Ministry.

The strike targeted Nur Shams refugee camp, near the city of Tulkarm in the West Bank. The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) claimed the strike aimed to eliminate a “terror cell”.

On the same day, a Palestinian man was shot dead and three others were injured by Israeli settlers in the West Bank, in the city of Bethlehem.


The victims of the military strike were revealed to be Mohannad Qarawi, 19, Jibril Jibril, 20, Adnan Jaber, 15, Mohammed Yusif, 49, and Mohammed Elayyan, 16. Jibril Jibril was the only confirmed member of Hamas.

The man shot by settlers was identified as Khalil Salem Khalawi, 40. Hamdi Ziada, head of the village council who was interviewed by the Palestinian news source Wafa, stated that Khalawi was shot by settlers who were attacking Palestinian homes. He also noted that the IDF entered and tear-gassed villagers.

In contrast, Israeli news source, Ynet, claimed Khalawi was instead killed by IDF soldiers following reports of stones being thrown at Israeli vehicles and clashes between Israeli settlers and Palestinian villagers.

Violence in the West Bank

The West Bank and East Jerusalem have been occupied by Israel since the 1967 6-day war. Since then, 160 settlements housing 700,000 Israelis have been built by the Israeli government. In July 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled Israel’s occupation illegal, citing violations of international law and Israel’s abuse of power.

Following the October 7 attacks by Hamas and the launch of Israel’s war on Gaza, Israeli settlers in the West Bank were provided with 10,000 rifles to create “civilian security squads”.

Now, the number of recorded violent incidents in the West Bank has surged. At least 637 Palestinians in the West Bank have been killed, as well as 30 Israeli soldiers and civilians. From October to April alone there were over 700 settler attacks, many of which were supported by IDF soldiers.

Moreover, Israel has imprisoned over 10,000 Palestinians from the West Bank, according to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society, with numerous reports of torture. Travel restrictions have been imposed, and work permits for Palestinians to work in Israel revoked.

The Nur Shams refugee camp in particular has experienced fatal raids and airstrikes, with an attack in April killing 14. Even prior to October 7, Nur Shams was subject to raids by the IDF utilising weaponry, particularly ammunition and tear gas.

The War on Gaza

The latest war on Gaza started following the October 7 attacks by Hamas, which saw 1,200 Israelis killed and 250 hostages kidnapped. Since then, Israel has occupied and striked Gaza repeatedly to eradicate Hamas. Currently, the Palestinian death toll stands at over 40,000, many of whom are children.

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