Big round eyes that stare directly into one’s own, playful purrs and tail wags, warm comforting snuggles… there’s nothing quite like having a fluffy member of the family to come back home to. In recent years, more and more people in Egypt have opted for adopting stray baladi cats and dogs rather than buying a new pet.
Most people living in Cairo are fully aware of the extent of stray cats and dogs roaming the busy streets of the city; as such, people who find and adopt these strays off the streets usually have horror stories accompanied with how they found them. From abuse on the streets to having been partially run over or even being exposed to the dangers or mass poisoning, most of Egypt’s stray cats and dogs are exposed to highly dangerous situations on a daily basis.
Ultimately what most people will find is the fact that baladi cats and dogs are in fact some of the most playful, smart and loving creatures they will come across, simply longing for friendship and affection. There are of course efforts being done by various shelters across Cairo (such as ESMA and SPARE) trying to keep these strays safe and off the streets, and even finding them homes.
That being said, below is a compilation of beautiful rescue and adoption stories from various people across Cairo and their beloved baladis.

Comments (7)
[…] awareness, there is an increasing interest in animal welfare in Egypt; more people choose it to adopt pets instead of buying them in stores that more often than not expose animals to inhumane […]
[…] growing awareness, there is a rising interest in animal welfare in Egypt; more people are opting to adopt pets instead of buying them from shops that, more often than not, expose animals to inhumane […]