On average, you are ingesting a credit card’s weight of plastic, five grams, per week. That’s approximately 52 credit card’s weight a year, cultivating to a hefty 260 grams. More alarmingly, a new study by Environmental International has revealed that plastic can now be detected where we never thought possible: in our blood stream. Like the rest of the world, Egyptians have been attempting to reduce their use of single-use plastic to contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development. Although there have been national initiatives launched, and campaigns put in place, the actual implementation of using recyclable materials in our everyday lives and our homes remains scarce. In recent years, multiple local brands were launched with the main aim of supporting the environment and increasing usage of recycled materials. To help you go plastic-free, we’ve compiled a list of behaviors that you can adopt to slowly change your lifestyle to a more environmentally-friendly one. Use glass or stainless steel water bottles View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Kind Market (@thekindmarketeg) Plastic bottles are among the most common types of plastic waste. Instead of passing…